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Filaria is spread by
a. Bed Bug
b. Mosquito
c. Housefly
d. Flea

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
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Hint: Lymphatic filariasis is caused by mainly three species of thread-like worms, only the adult worms are present in the human body, almost 120 million people are affected in almost 72 countries and affect Asia, Africa, and South America.

Complete answer:
- Lymphatic filariasis is usually spread from one person to another person by the mosquitos.
- When mosquitoes bite the person who is suffering from lymphatic filariasis, the filaria worms which are present in the blood enter the mosquito and when this mosquito bites the healthy person, it enters the body and it’s a pass to blood through the skin.
- These worms reproduce and form millions of worms, and the person who is suffering from filariasis can spread the disease by mosquitoes.
- One single bite can’t make the person infected, where repeated mosquito bites require for the person to infect with the Filariasis and the people who are living in the tropic and subtropics areas and having high disease rate, those people are at the highest risk for Filariasis.
- Most of the people do not get symptoms for many years, but this parasite will damage the lymph system.
- In some people the infection develops after the many years, where there is edema of legs is seen and in the males, the scrotum of hydrocele, and the edema of the leg is mainly due to improper working of the lymph system and it causes the accumulation of lymph and fluids and causes the swelling of the leg.

Hence, The correct answer is option (B).

Note: The spread of filariasis is prevented by avoiding the mosquito bites, and usually the mosquitoes with filaria worms are found in the times of dawn and the dusk, using the mosquito jets and repellent and wearing long trousers and sleeves are the best ways to avoid the mosquito bites.