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F1 subunit of oxysome is called as
(a) Head
(b) Lineage
(c) Base
(d) Filament

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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Hint: Oxysomes are the structures that exist on the surface of the mitochondria's folded inner membrane. They are also called particles containing f0-f1 or ATP synthase. Each oxysome is a multi-polypeptide complex consisting of three pieces, such as an upper piece called the F1 particle, a lower F0 particle, and a stalk connecting F0 to F1; Part F1 is the oxysome's "knob" or "cap."

Complete answer:
Oxysomes play the most important role in the functioning of the cell in energy production. Every oxysome, also known as the elementary particle, has a subunit of the F0 or base, a stalk, and a subunit of the head or F1. Hence the oxysomes subunit F1 is referred to as the head.
Mitochondria are the filamentous, self-duplicating, double membranous cytoplasmic organelles of eukaryotic cells that deal with cellular respiration. They are the organelle which transmits energy found in all the aerobic eukaryotic cells. But secondarily they are lost in mature mammalian RBC mitochondria. They are also absent in prokaryotic cells where mesosomes serve as a mitochondrial replacement.
The matrix side of the inner membrane and cristae contains various tennis rackets such as the present particles called oxysomes. The mitochondria’s inner membrane contains oxysomes, electron transport chains, dehydrogenase succinate, and fatty acid biosynthesis enzymes. The oxysomes participate by oxidative phosphorylation in the synthesis of ATP. Therefore, they are the Mitochondria functional units.
Elementary particles, Parson's particle, Fernandez-Moran particle, F0 F1-particles, F0 F1-ATPase, H+ – ATPase, ATP synthetase, or ATP synthase are different names for oxysomes. A mitochondrion contains about 104 -105 oxysomes, which are routinely positioned at 10 nm intervals. Oxysomes account for about 15 percent of the total protein in the inner membrane.
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So, the correct answer is, ‘head’.

Note: The F0 subunit acts as proton tubes. The stalk portion of elementary particles has coupling factors when F1 heads have ATPase synthesis activity. The ATP synthase F1 portion is the part that is synthesizing ATP from ADP + Pi. The F1 subunit squeezes ADP + Pi until they form ATP, then releases the ATP together.