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Does Virus have a cell wall?

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint: Cell wall is the covering of a cell which protects it from damage. Cell wall surrounding the plasma membrane prevents the pressure across the gradient and provides more tensile and turgor pressure for organelles to function properly. Cell wall is a semi-permeable layer and it filters out the molecules which it feels will harm the cell in an uncertain way.

Complete answer-
Virus is an organism whose life depends upon its hosts. We can call a virus dead when it leaves the host’s body such as growing over a rock or lich areas. The moment a virus gets into a body it becomes alive. And it takes up all the nutrients and spreads infection while residing inside the host’s body. Hence, the majority of organisms where viruses live have cell walls. Cell walls have robust layers and the best is known in plants, fungi, algae and bacteria.
The virus which lives inside bacteria are called bacteriophages. Also, virions have nucleic acids and protein coat as capsid. Viruses actually do not have a proper cell wall on their own but they possess a protective layer around the body called capsid. Capsid functions as a protective layer and shells the viral genome from nucleases.
Viruses are basically in different shapes and sizes just like-bacteria and all the virus particles have a protein coat which surrounds the nucleic acid genome. The instructions to make protein subunits come from the genome of the virus so that it remains protected. Virus can infect the host’s body by infecting the host’s nucleus. It enters the cells by digging through its capsid which have spines over it to pierce through the cells and directly it inserts its viral genome to the host’s cell nucleus replacing the host’s cell DNA or RNA with its own viral DNA or RNA.

No, viruses do not have cell walls.

All viruses are not lethal and all do not have DNA and RNA both one can possess either of them. Viruses causing diseases such as- cylindrical helical virus type which cause tobacco mosaic virus, also envelope viruses like-influenza and HIV have lipid as protective envelope. Animal viruses have Icosahedral and spherical shape viruses.