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Distinguish between infectious and non-infectious diseases.

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: Diseases may or may not be transmitted from person to person or from animals to animals. They can also be chronic or acute.

Complete answer:
The disease can be described as a change in the normal functioning of the body which results in discomfort or disability and impairs one's mental or physical health.
Diseases can be broadly differentiated into infectious and non-infectious diseases.
Diseases that are easily transmitted from one person to another are known as infectious diseases, whereas diseases that remain confined to a person are known as non-infectious diseases.

Additional Information:
Several other differences between infectious and non-infectious diseases exist which are as follows:

Infectious DiseasesNon-Infectious Diseases
They are caused by infectious microorganisms like viruses, bacteria, helminths, etc.They are caused by pathogens as well has due to old age, nutritional deficiency, smoking, drinking, lifestyle, etc
The mode of transmission can be fecal-oral, droplets, sexual transmission, direct contact or transmission by vector.These do not transmit from one person to another, but some of them may be genetically inherited.
AIDS, Herpes, Cholera, Polio, Tuberculosis, PoxCancer, Diabetes, Liver Cirrhosis, Colour Blindness.

Symptoms- Almost all diseases show some kind of effect on our body which is visible externally, these characters are known as symptoms. When several symptoms are seen together it is known as a syndrome.
Prevention and Cure- Early diagnosis of diseases can help in proper treatment and cure. Several testing methods are available for diagnosis of different types of diseases which are as follows:
- Radiotherapy
- CT Scan and MRI
- Biopsy
- ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay)
- Pap Smear Test
- Blot Tests (Western Blot Test, Southern Blot Test)

Note: Diseases are also sometimes referred to as communicable and non-communicable diseases. These have the same meaning, communicable diseases refer to infectious diseases and noncommunicable diseases refer to noninfectious diseases.