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What is the distinction between a plot and a theme?

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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Hint: Both plot and theme are critical aspects of a novel, but they have quite different purposes. The one is to illustrate the key event in the storey and another is to deliver the author’s message in the storey.

Complete answer:

Plot refers to the key events or sequence of events that appear in the novel.The theme or subject, on the other hand, is the author's message in his prose.
The word plot is derived from an old English word. The plot is the thread that links the sequences and helps the narrative to advance.The term "theme" comes from the Latin language. It is the author's key message that he wishes to express through the piece of literature.
It is to assume that all events that occur in the novel, or something that occurs about the story's characters, such as what action they can do, where they can go, or where they will appear in the storey, is all part of a storyline.Any piece of fiction, no matter how contrived, will have a theme. It's mostly told in a single word or phrase. The theme is what the reader or listener knows in general.

I) The chain of events and circumstances that make up the narrative is referred to as the storyline. As the principle of cause and effect says, each event in the plot is related to the next.
II) The phrase "style" is derived from the Latin word "theme." It also applies to the story's core theme that the author wishes to express by fiction. If it's fiction or nonfiction, the concept is crucial to every piece of literature