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Difference of the smallest $6$-digit number and the largest $4$-digit number is ?

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
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Hint : Largest number will consist of 9’s while smallest of 0’s or 1

As we know the smallest $6$-digit number is $1,00,000$ ……(i)
We also know the largest $4$-digit number is $9,999$ ……(ii)
Difference means subtraction , so, on subtracting (ii) from (i) we get
$1,00,000 - \,\,\,\,9,999 = 90,001$
Hence the difference is $90,001$

Note : In these types of problems it must be noted that the smallest number of any number of digits will consist of 0 or 0’s & 1 and the largest number of any number of digits will consist of 9’s only.