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What is the difference between frequency and pitch?

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint: Frequency of a sound is the number of cycles of compressions and rarefactions take place in one unit of time. Pitch tells us about the frequency of the sound. Sound with high frequency has higher pitch then the sound with low frequency.

Complete step by step answer:
When talking about different sounds waves, we classify them according to their frequencies. Now what is frequency? Sound waves are formed by the continuous compression and rarefaction of air. When one complete compression and one rarefaction is completed, it is called one cycle. Frequency is the number of cycles that take place in one unit of time. The unit of frequency is ${{s}^{-1}}$ or hertz (Hz).
If 5 complete compressions and 5 rarefactions take place in one unit of time then the frequency of the sound wave is 5 Hz.
We mostly use frequency for calculations purposes. In daily lives, we often use the word pitch to understand the frequency of the sound. Take an example of a musician. If the musician is playing a music that has a high frequency, then we say that the sound has a high pitch. If the musician is playing a music of lower frequency, then we say that the sound has a lower pitch.
Therefore, frequency and pitch of a sound are related (and directly proportional to each other) but not the same. Frequency is a physical quantity. It has a magnitude and a unit. Whereas pitch is just a noun that tells about the frequency of the sound. It does not have a magnitude like frequency.

Sometimes we talk about the shrillness of a sound. Shrillness is also used to tell whether the frequency of the sound is high or low. Hence, shrillness also tells about the pitch of the sound. When we say that the voice of a person is shrill. We mean that the person’s voice has high pitch or high frequency.