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Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Hint:According to the sources of error, errors are classified as:
(i) Gross error (ii) Systematic error, and (iii) random error

Complete step by step answer:
The different sources of error are classified as follows:
I) Gross error:-
The errors made by humans.
A person recording data from an instrument may record wrong data due to observational error and fault in the instrument
How to reduce gross error
Take more number of readings
Make sure that the instrument is not faulty, if faulty rectify the instrumental error and then take the readings
II) Systematic error:-
The error in the measurement due to the faulty system.
The systematic error is further classified as
i). Instrumental error:- These are the inbuilt errors in the system due to manufacturing defects or misuse of instruments.
ii). Environmental error:- These are the errors caused by the external conditions that affect the measurement of reading. These errors can be due to variations in pressure, temperature, etc.
How to reduce systematic error
1) Use equipment free from all clutter.
2) Use instruments carefully
3) Run instruments in ambient condition
iii). Observational error:- the error arises due to the wrong observation of the reading due to the limitation in the least count of the instrument.
     How to reduce observational error
Use instrument with better least count
Use digital meters instead of analog meters
III). Random error:- Errors caused by nature. An example of the errors caused by nature is the sudden change in weather. The errors are also known as residual errors.

Note:The error in the measurement is calculated as the mean absolute error. It is defined as the arithmetic mean of the magnitude of the difference between the individual measurement and the true value of the physical quantity.