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Can you make iron to float? How?

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: To make float anything or iron in the water, will totally depend on the density of an object and the density of water. Further we go through how density plays an important role to float or sink in liquid substances.

Complete answer:
Yes, we can make iron float if its shape is such that the amount of water it displaces is equal to or more than the weight of the iron. There are numerous iron ships that float on water.Any type of an object or substance can float on water unless its density has to be more than the density of water.

Iron has a higher density than water, its weight is greater than the weight of water displaced by it, and the nail sinks. ... Second, the ship is hollow, and the empty space within contains air, causing the ship's average density to be lower than that of water, allowing it to float over water.

The iron presses against the mercury, but it floats because it is lighter. However, even when a boat floats on water, a portion of it will be submerged. Density plays a role in why some objects float while others sink. Objects with a higher density than water sink, whereas those with a lower density float. This is due to the fact that your body displaces (moves) the water.This simple activity explains how lowering a heavy object's density allows it to float.

Note: Weight is a widespread attribute, whereas density is an intensive physical property. Density changes as an object's pressure and temperature change, but weight changes when an object's mass and gravity change. Gravity has no effect on density, but it does have a direct impact on weight.