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Barometer is used for measuring:
A.)Liquid pressure
C.)Atmospheric pressure
D.)Air temp

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
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Hint: Barometer is a device used to measure pressure. Now, using the facts of the barometer we will find the answer to our question.

Complete step by step answer: Now, in question it is asked for what the barometer is used, but as the name suggests it can be clearly said that barometer is used for measuring pressure. So, option (b) and (d) gets eliminated.

Now, the atmospheric pressure changes at different places above the sea level so to measure that pressure Barometer is used. So, from this fact we can say that option (a) is also eliminated. And thus option (d) is the correct answer.

Additional Information:
Barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure at any place above sea level. The barometers are of two types: mercury barometer and aneroid barometer.

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Now, in both types of barometer the mercury or aneroid is filled in the tube in one hand of the u-tube and the other side is kept open to the atmosphere. Now, due to the pressure of the atmosphere the level of liquid rises in the closed side of the u-tube and then that reading is taken and using it the pressure is calculated.

Note: Many students might not know the use of a barometer so they should learn how to use the barometer. While, using the barometer students might have some errors while taking the reading so, they should use it accordingly and try to avoid the errors.

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