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What are the Defects of Rutherford's model of atom?

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint: The Rutherford’s model has described the atom as a tiny, dense & a positively charged core called as nucleus, where nearly all the masses are concentrated and around that light and negative constituents circulates at some distance which are named as electrons.

Complete answer:
The model implies that:
-An atom is made of a tiny positively charged nucleus which is present at its centre.
-The positive charge of the nucleus is because the protons are present. The mass of the nucleus is because of protons and some neutral particles who have a mass nearly equal to the mass of protons. The protons & the neutrons present in the nucleus are all together known as nucleons and the total number of nucleons is basically referred to as mass number of the atom.
The defects of this model of an atom are:
-The electron which is rotating around the nucleus is only a suggestion and there is no experimental proof for its presence.
-A rotating electron in general will spend some of its energy and ultimately, it should fall into the nucleus. But in the real scenario, this is not happening in an atom. Therefore the suggestion of Rutherford on electrons rotating around the nucleus is not offering any explanation for the fact that why an electron is not losing energy.

The Rutherford model can also be called the Rutherford atomic model, or the nuclear atom, or the planetary model of an atom. It is the description of the structure of atoms which was proposed by a physicist of New Zealand named Ernest Rutherford.