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What are polar coordinates used for in real life?

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint: Polar coordinate system can be defined as the two-dimensional coordinate system in which each point on the plane is determined by the distance from the reference point and an angle from a reference direction.

Complete step-by-step answer:
In other words, a pair of coordinates locating the position of a point in the plane, the first being the length of the straight line $(r)$connecting the point to the origin and the second the angle $(\theta )$made by this line with the fixed line.
Example: Practical uses of polar coordinates are in the applications in physics and engineering.
I.From the point of view of a physicist's polar coordinates are useful in calculating the equations of motion for a lot of mechanical systems.

II.Polar coordinates are useful when the objects are moving in the circles and the dynamics can be determined by using the Lagrangian and Hamilton system.

III.Apart from the mechanical systems, polar coordinates are extended to three dimensions which helps in doing calculations on fields for example electric fields and magnetic fields and the temperature fields.

Note: Know the difference between the polar and cartesian coordinates. Cartesian coordinates is exactly one set of coordinates for any given point and polar coordinates are defined as the infinite number of coordinates for the given point.