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Why are hammerhead sharks shaped so?

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Hint: Hammerhead sharks are a group of sharks that belong to the family Sphyrnidae. because of the unusual and distinctive structure of their heads they are named so. Which are flattened and laterally extended into a "hammer" shape called a cephalofoil.

Complete answer:
Hammerhead sharks’ ancestors are likely to first appear on Earth's oceans some 20 million years ago. These evolved over time into the variety of these funny-faced fish of all shapes and sizes that swim the seas today.

Hammerheads are found all around the world mostly in warm waters along coastlines and continental shelves also. Most sharks, some hammerhead species usually swim in groups that are called as school during the day, becoming solitary hunters at night.

These can range from 0.9 to 6m. Weight is about 3 to 580 kg. These are usually light grey and have a greenish tint, the belly is white which allows them to hide into the background. The shape of the head gives the name Hammer head. The shape of the hammer can vary in different organisms as distinct T-shape in the great hammered a rounded head with a central notch in the scalloped hammerhead and an unnotched rounded head in the smooth hammerhead.

The hammer-shaped head of hammerhead shark helps in following way:
• Helps in improving their swimming performance as the cephalofoil appears to help the hammerhead to plane its way through a turn with greater stability.
• It helps them handle prey. Shark used its head again "to restrain the stingray”. It uses its hammer head as a weapon.
• The vision is not the only sense that might be enhanced by the hammerhead's cephalofoil. But also, they can sense electromagnetic fields, and the electro sensory pores are more concentrated on the lower surface.

Note: Hammerheads' heads have relatively large brains, which may be needed for processing so much sensory information. The brains of scalloped hammerheads are especially remarkable for their body size.