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Anti-social activity is __________.
A) Smuggling
B) Hoarding
C) Adulteration
D) All the above

Last updated date: 28th Apr 2024
Total views: 337.2k
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Hint: Anti-social behaviours are acts that cause injury to others or show a lack of concern about their well-being. It has also been described as any form of behavior that infringes on another person's human rights, as well as any behavior that is deemed detrimental to others in society.
This can be done in a variety of ways, including but not limited to deliberate violence, covert and open animosity, and so on. Social contact within the family and group can also lead to antisocial behavior.

Complete answer:
Anti-social behavior is characterized as behavior that harasses, alerts, or distresses one or more individuals. These practices break the law and create chaos on a variety of levels in society, including physical, financial, and social.

Let us look into the given options:
Option A: Smuggling means the unlawful movement of items, drugs, documents, or persons in violation of relevant laws or other regulations, such as out of a house or buildings, into a jail, or across an international boundary.
Option B: Hoarding means where a speculator buys vast amounts of an asset in the hopes of profiting from potential price rises.
Option C: Adulteration is the process of rendering something impure or changing its original shape by inserting materials or elements that aren't normally present, especially inferior ones. The noun form of the verb adulterate is adulteration, which means to impure something by incorporating inferior materials or components.
Option D: Since all these Options A B and C causes distress and unrest in society these all are anti -social behaviour. Thus Smuggling, hoarding, and adulteration are examples of anti-social behaviour.

Hence the correct answer is option ‘D’.

Note: Anti-social behaviour is also a word used by certain individuals to describe behaviour that is considered to be contradictory to social standards. Although the concept is relatively new to the mainstream lexicon, anti-social behaviour has been described as "unwanted behaviour as a consequence of personality disorder" in the psychosocial community for several years.