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How do animals use their body parts to survive?

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
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Hint: Any behavioral or physical traits of an animal that assist it in surviving in its environment are referred to as adaptations. Body parts, body coverings, and behaviors are the three basic groups of these traits. Any or all of these types of adaptations are essential for an animal's survival. Many animals have created bodily components that have evolved to help them survive in a certain habitat. Webbed feet, sharp claws, whiskers, sharp fangs, big beaks, wings, and hooves are among them.

Complete answer:
Evolutionary adaptation, or simply adaptation, is the process through which organisms adapt to their surroundings in order to improve their chances of survival.
Different animals use their physical parts for walking, swimming, climbing trees, running, hunting, and other activities. Other animals that have adapted to their bodily parts include:
Camels store fat in their hump.
Kangaroos keep their young in their pouches.
Carnivorous animals rip flesh with their teeth.
In chilly climates, penguins use their body fat to keep warm.
The long beak of the woodpecker bird is used to create its nest in the bark of a tree.

Adaptation is the biological method through which organisms adjust to new settings or changes in their current environment, according to evolutionary theory. Although scientists had considered adaptation prior to, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace did not formulate the theory of natural selection until then. Wallace felt that organisms' evolution was linked to their adaptability to changing environmental conditions in some way. Wallace and Darwin, in creating the theory of evolution by natural selection, went beyond basic adaptation to describe how organisms adapt and evolve.