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Alkenes and alkynes are unsaturated compounds.
A. True
B. False

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
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Hint: A hydrocarbon is an organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon. Saturated hydrocarbons are hydrocarbons which only contain single carbon atom bonds. They constitute the simplest hydrocarbon type. Hydrocarbons that are unsaturated are hydrocarbons that have double or triple covalent bonds between neighboring carbon atoms.

Complete step by step answer:
An Unsaturated hydrocarbon is the compound containing hydrogen and carbon. In the unsaturated hydrocarbon, the carbon atoms are bonded by double or a triple bond. The term “unsaturated” means more hydrogen atoms may be added to the hydrocarbon to make it saturated (i.e. consisting of all single bonds). The configuration of unsaturated carbons includes open chains, such as alkene and alkynes, as well as branched chains and aromatic compounds.
Except for aromatic compounds, unsaturated hydrocarbons are mostly reactive and undergo multiple reactions to their multiple bonds.
Alkenes (C=C) have double bonds in their carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon chain and alkynes have C-C triple bonds in their structures. So, these are known as unsaturated hydrocarbons whereas alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons having C-C single bonds.
Hence, the statement given in question, alkenes and alkynes are unsaturated compounds is true.
So, the correct answer is “Option A”.

Additional Information:
Saturated hydrocarbons are the type of hydrocarbons, in which carbon atoms are connected by a single covalent bond. These are called alkane and general formula ${{C}_{n}}{{H}_{2n+2}}$ where n = 1,2,3……etc. whereas Unsaturated hydrocarbons are the type of hydrocarbons, in which atoms are connected by multiple bonds like double or triple bonds. The double bonded compounds are called alkene and has general formula ${{C}_{n}}{{H}_{2n}}$ and triple bonded compounds are called alkynes and has general formula ${{C}_{n}}{{H}_{2n-2}}$.

Note: Don’t get confused between saturated and unsaturated compounds.
Saturated compounds are less reactive as they contain strong sigma bonds. They do not undergo hydrogenation reactions whereas unsaturated hydrocarbons are more reactive as they contain one or more pi bonds which can be easily broken. They undergo hydrogenation reactions as well.
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