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A simple pulley reduces the effort required to lift a heavy load.
A. True
B. False

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
Total views: 399.9k
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Hint: A pulley is a simple machine which makes our work easy. Pulleys are used to lift heavy objects efficiently so that we have to apply less energy. It basically just changes the direction of force we are working on. A simple pulley has a single pulley and when there are two or more pulley they are called compound pulley.

Complete answer:
A pulley is a simple arrangement of a wheel with a fixed axle and a string wrapped around the wheel or a circular disc with groove along the edge so that rope or string can be wrapped. A simple pulley arrangement can be shown as following

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But a simple pulley does not reduce the effort required to lift a heavy object as it has only one pulley, instead of a simple pulley if we have compound pulley it will reduce the effort. The more number of pulleys the less effort is needed to lift an object. Therefore the given statement is false.
Hence, the correct option is B.

So, the correct answer is “Option B”.

Additional Information:
Although compound pulleys reduce the effort as compared to the simple pulley, it will require more string or rope and also increases the time required to pull the object upwards or to lift an object.

The effort is the amount of work done on an object. And we know that work is given by force required to move an object from one place to another. Hence here pulley may reduce the force we are applying but it changes the direction and so the displacement, which is the distance will get increased and the effort will be the same.