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Rain Poem in English

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Rain poem in English is a relatively short poem that utilises language that is not highly ornamental. It is hence ideal for developing minds. One stanza of the text contains the four-line poem. The key points to take away from this topic are:

  • Rain Poem lyrics.

  • Meaning of the poem.

  • Explanation of the poem.

What is the “Rain” Poem About?

Stevenson explores themes of nature and common human experiences in the poem "Rain." The imagery and feelings of rainfall in different locations link these two subjects. The tone is solemn and clear, allowing the reader to decide whether the rain is good or bad.

Stevenson also selected a particular metrical pattern to add another rhythm to these lines. The first and third lines follow stanzas tetrameter. This indicates that each line contains four groups of two beats. Both of these are under stress, yet only the first is. The second and fourth lines are comparable, except they only have three-syllable trimeter groups of two beats.

Rain Poem Lyrics

Let us now take a look at the lyrics of our Rain Poem with Rhyming Words:

The rain is raining all around,

It falls on fields and trees,

It rains on the umbrellas here,

And on the ships at sea.

Rain poem


Rain Poem Short Explanation

Robert Louis Stevenson wrote a simple poem titled "Rain", describing the rain falling "all around" and how it affects various situations.

The lyrics from "Rain" illustrate how rain affects everything all around the speaker and maybe the entire globe. It splashes into and over trees, fields, umbrellas, and even ships at sea. There are numerous rain experiences, but it is up to the reader to determine who and where is witnessing it.

Rain Poem Summary

Robert Louis Stevenson's poem "Rain" is a clear four-line description of rain falling "all around" and how it affects different locations. The verses from the song "Rain" quite accurately represent how rain influences everything surrounding the speaker and maybe the entire planet. As well as into umbrellas and ships at sea, it pours into and onto fields, trees, and other objects. Different people will feel the rain in different ways, however, it is the reader's role to fill in the details of where and who is experiencing it.

The speaker opens the very first 2 lines of "Rain" with a brief, direct assertion. Rain is "dropping all around," he observes. 

The poem's second line provides a little bit more background information, but not sufficient to locate this little poetry in any particular location. It "falls on a field and tree," the speaker informs the reader. This may occur at any place.

The speaker of "Rain" turns the poem to "here" over the following two lines. This indicates that now the speaker is focusing on a certain location rather than just surveying the entire planet. The purpose of the umbrellas being "here" is to shield the speaker and anybody he talks to from the rain.


The poem gives a quick description of the rain that is falling everywhere: on the fields, the trees, the umbrellas, and the ships on the sea. It is a fairly short poem that employs simple language. It is hence ideal for developing minds.

Kids' language abilities are less developed. They may readily understand simple poetry. Kids are often drawn to poems about nature. One such interesting poetry for pupils is the English version of the Rain poem, that we discussed today. 

Do It Yourself

1. As stated in the poem "Rain."Raindrops are not raining on _____.

  1. Field. 

  2. Child.

  3. House-top.

  4. Umbrellas.

2. What does the poem's use of rain symbolise?

Sample Questions

1. What literary device does the poem Rain implement?

Ans: In "Rain," Stevenson employs several poetic devices. Alliteration, sibilance, repetition, and imagery are only a few of them.

2. Describe the place where the rain falls.

Ans: The rain pours on umbrellas, ships, umbrellas, and fields.

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FAQs on Rain Poem in English

1. What kind of sound does rain make on tree leaves? 

On the tree leaves, the rain creates a drip-drop sound.

2. How does rain benefit people?

It supplies the earth's surface with clean water. Fewer rainfall results in water shortage, which might occasionally lead to drought-like conditions. Floods occur when there is too much rain, making life difficult for those impacted.

3. What feelings does rain evoke?

Rain evokes nostalgia, melancholy, first love, lost love, lunacy, magic, wisdom, freedom, and occasionally blessing. It also symbolises magic. Perhaps we all secretly know that rain is life itself and that our feelings toward it are simply expressions of our gratitude that it rains.


Rain poem in English is a relatively short poem that utilises language that is not highly ornamental. It is hence ideal for developing minds. One stanza of the text contains the four-line poem. The key points to take away from this topic are:

  • Rain Poem lyrics.

  • Meaning of the poem.

  • Explanation of the poem.