KVPY Class 11 SA Stream Previous Year Question Paper with Answer Keys
KVPY Previous Year Question Paper for SA Stream
FAQs on KVPY Previous Year Question Paper for Class 11 SA Stream (2009 to 2020-21)
1. What is the exam pattern of the KVPY SA stream?
The KVPY SA stream will be held usually in the morning times. Students should be on time and complete the paper at least 30 minutes before so that there will be enough time for revision. There is a total number of 80 questions. Part 1 has 60 and part 2 has 20 questions and the total marks are 100. There is a negative marking. The correct answer will gain 1 mark and the wrong answer will have a deduction of 0.25. Students should answer all the questions.
2. What documents are to be carried on the examination day of KVYP?
Students should be in the exam centre at least 1 hour before the start of the exam. This will just reduce the last-minute rush and the stress of searching the rooms and so on. So it is always better to be early. Now coming to the documents, students should carry the KVPY admit card and valid photo-id proof that can be either school id, college id, passport or aadhar card. Any one of these is valid. Make sure that the clear picture is visible on the id.
3. Can the KVPY exam be online and what is the procedure to be followed?
Yes, the KVPY exam can be online and the procedure is very simple. The first step is to create the account and once the account has been created log in with KVPY with all the details. Fill the form and upload the documents. Then you can pay the application fee. The amount is INR 1250 for the general and OBC and INR 625 for the students under the category of SC /ST. So now it will be much easier for the students and those wishing to take the exam online can follow this simple procedure.
4. What are the advantages of preparing for the exam through NCERT?
NCERT books and the solutions have always been to give the best to the students. The subjects in the KVYP are Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology. The question in the exams is mainly from the NCERT. So preparing through the NCERT will be sufficient for the students to do well in the exams. Students will have a better understanding and systematic preparation. All the solutions are best prepared by experts having exuberant knowledge of the subject.
5. Is it possible to prepare for the academics and also the KVPY exams?
Certain things are in our thoughts and in our minds. If you think it is difficult then yes it is difficult and maybe impossible. Now let us think that it is possible then automatically you yourself will find the way. Now you see your target and aim to be successful. Plan out the routine for each day and follow without skipping. The syllabus is the same so you are not doing anything more instead both the exam preparation are happening simultaneously right? Always think positive and work hard. Vedantu provides all the necessary learning materials for free.