Introduction to Mass and Weight
In physics terms, mass will refer to the quantity of matter in the object. Mass is generally measured by how much something weighs. We must know that the meaning of mass of a body is different from that of the weight of that body. The two terms, mass and weight, are different within the important sense. But within the initial stages for youngsters , the difference is ignored when we use the terms weight and mass in the same sense.
Weight of an object changes from place to place , above and below the surface of the planet , but the mass of a body never changes. We know, within the surface of the world we take the units of mass similar to the units of weight.
Example of Mass:
The smallest unit of mass is milligram. For example 1 milligram is often written as 1 mg.
1 milligram = 1000 microgram
1 milligram= 1/1000 gram
1 milligram=0.0154 grains
Gram is another term for mass or weight. The basic unit of the metric system is the gram.
1000 milligram= 1 gram
1/10 decagram=1 gram
1/100 hectogram=1 gram
1/1000 kilogram=1 gram
for example- sugar, book, table, chair etc. are calculated in gram in mathematics terms.
Example of Mass and Weight:
Mass is the quantity to be counted an object contains. The extra count something has, the extra it will weigh. Kilogram is the standard unit of mass in our metric system. In our daily life we calculate mass or weight.

1 kilogram = 10 hectogram
1 kilogram = 1000 gram
1 kilogram = 10000 milligram
Different objects can calculate in different types of measurements. But when we talk about mass or weight most things are calculated in kilograms.

Standard Weights Pic
For example, Our daily needs are things like rice, wheat, pulses and many more things we purchase in kilograms.
Mass Examples:
Here are some objects of mass in our everyday objects with their measurement. (It is an approximate measurement, not the exact measurement.)
Sheet of Paper = 0.0045kg.
Pencil. = 0.0085kg.
Cell phone. = 0.141kg
Book. = 0.34 kg
Bicycle. = 11.3 kg
Average Child. = 22kg
Average Adult = 77Kg
What is an Example of Mass?
Mass can be calculated in different measurements like kilogram, tonnes, in our metric system. In the international system mass can be calculated in pounds and ounces. The standard unit of mass will be kilogram.
Here are example of mass (approximately)of very large objects,
Aeroplane = 40,823kg.
Military tank = 54,531kg.
Space shuttle (empty) = 74,842kg.
Space shuttle (loaded) = 2,000,000kg.
Weight is literally different from mass because weight is calculated due to the mass and force of gravitational force, in physical language.
The Mass is an Example of:
Mass is very useful in our daily life. Mass is also an example of weight. The help of these measurements we can find out the mass of every single object.
In an approximate value we can measure the weight of solar objects.
Solved Examples:
Fill in the blanks:
1 kilogram=
5 kilogram=
26 kilogram=
50 kilogram=
Ans:: 1 kilogram= 1000 gm
5 kilogram= 5000 gm
26 kilogram=26000 gm
50 kilogram=50000 gm
2. The mass of an object will be 12000 pounds. Calculate its mass in tonnes.
Ans: We know that,
2000 pounds = 1 tonne
12000 pounds = 12000÷2000
= 6000 tonnes
Ans. 6000 tonnes
3. Convert 4000 gram into kilograms
Ans. We know that,
1000 gram. = 1 kilogram
4000 gram = 4000÷ 1000
= 4 kilogram
Ans. 4 kilogram
In our daily life, we can use many things which contain mass. Mass refers to the weight of an object. Mass refers to the quantity of a matter or object. Mass is calculated in grams or kilograms. Every single object quantity is measured in mass in the form of a gram or kilogram.
FAQs on Understanding Mass Examples
1. What is mass?
Mass is the quantity of any object.
2. What is the smallest unit of mass?
Milligram is the smallest unit of mass.
3. What is the standard unit in a metric system?
Kilograms are the standard unit in the metric system.
4. What is the universal unit of mass?
Pounds and ounces are universal units of mass.
5. What is the biggest unit of mass in a standard metric system?
Tonne is the biggest unit of mas in a standard metric system.