Structures are made up of tissues. So first, let’s discuss tissues. Tissues are made up of a group of cells. Cells are the basic building blocks of the human body. Tissues combine together to make up organs, which are nothing but complex structures. Organs lead to the formation of organ systems. Different plants and animals have different structures. Plants make their own food, while animals depend on plants and other living organisms for their food. Structures are necessary for the survival of organisms.
Plant and Animal Science:
Science helps develop links between living organisms. The study of plant and animal sciences is called biology. Plants make their own food (called autotrophs), while animals consume the food made by plants (called heterotrophs or primary consumers). Plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to make their food. For respiration, animals need oxygen, while plants need carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is waste for animals but useful for plants, while oxygen is waste for plants but useful for animals. As a result, all species rely on one another for survival.
What are the Structures:
Firstly, let us discuss what structure is. Many parts are held together to make a structure. These structures help plants and animals to survive.
Structures are of two types:
Internal structures
External structures
Internal structures are those which cannot be touched or seen, for example, the liver, kidneys, lungs, brain, heart,etc These are all internal structures. External structures are those that can be touched or seen, for example, eyes, teeth, skin, ears, etc.
Animal and Plant Structures:
Different structures perform different functions.
Animal Structure:
The structure is necessary for the survival of all animals. The structure is something that helps animals adapt themselves to different climatic conditions. Some structures help animals breathe, such as the lungs, while others, such as the mouth, help them eat, and still others, such as the digestive system, help them digest. Some structures help animals locate food, like amazing eyes for eagles and a good-smelling sense for possums. So some structures are common to almost all animals, while some are unique, like lizards' long tongues, which help them to smell and find food.
Animal Structure
Plant Structure and Functioning:
The structures of plants are stems, roots, leaves, flowers, and fruits. These are common structures that every plant has, but the difference is that some plants have longer roots than others, but the difference is that some plants have larger roots than others. The function of the large roots here is that large roots help to gather water from deep inside the ground. Some plants have thorns that help them protect themselves from animals and insects. Because plants do not move, some plants have special organs that protect them. Flowers on some plants help insects to pollinate. Some desert plants, like cacti, have special leaves that help them retain water for long periods of time, and the spine in these plants protects them from animals
Plant Structure
Study of Internal Parts of Plants:
The external structures of plants contain their internal structures; doesn’t it look fascinating? Let’s discuss: Roots contain many small hairs, which help to increase the surface area of the roots, and inside the roots are meristems that help the roots grow. In stems, vascular tissues are present, which are the xylem and phloem. Xylem transports water and minerals, while phloem transports sugar and energy. When we carefully observe the leaves, we get to see that they contain veins in which the xylem and phloem are present. In flowers, filaments are present, which help produce pollen. Seeds contain endosperms, which help embryos develop.
Parts of Plants
In this article, we learned about plant and animal structures. structures made from different parts held together. Structures are necessary for the survival of plants and animals. Structures are of two types: internal structures and external structures. Some structures are common among different animals, while others are unique, which helps them perform specific tasks.
Solved Questions:
1. What are internal structures?
Internal structures are those that cannot be seen or touched, like the heart, liver, kidney, lungs, etc.
2. What are external structures?
External structures are those that can be touched or seen, like skin, eyes, noses, teeth, etc.
3. What is biology?
Biology is the study of living organisms like plants and animals.
FAQs on Animal and Plant Structures
1. What is Structure?
The structure is made up of many parts that are held together. Structures help plants and animals to survive.
2. Why do cactus have spines?
Cacti have spines to protect them from animals because their leaves are full of water.
3. What is the functioning of xylem?
The xylem helps transport water from roots to stems and leaves.
4. What is the functioning of phloem?
The phloem transfers sugar and nutrients to different parts of the plant.
5. Why do some plants have large roots?
Large roots help plants gather more water deep inside the ground.