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English Grammar Comprehension For Class 7


English Grammar Class 7 Comprehension - Download Free PDF with Solution

A second-age grader is frequently regarded as the start of their official schooling. Therefore, teaching English comprehension for Class 7 is needed when pupils start to learn how to comprehend what they read. There are various methods to improve comprehension. When applying different techniques, patience and ongoing guidance are required. Stories might be entertaining ways to improve comprehension. 

When working with kids, remember to provide guided practice and strategy modelling. Reduce your guidance as they develop their skills. The objective is to have kids employ the techniques on their own. Worksheets for reading comprehension concentrate on particular subjects, such as a texts "primary concept versus details," sequencing, and story aspects (characters, setting, plot). 

English Grammar for Class 7 Comprehension Download Free PDF

We'll talk about comprehension in today's lesson. Understanding is synonymous with comprehension. If you don't understand a word, you'll probably need to look up its explanation and usage in a practical dictionary. In English grammar, comprehension frequently involves an unseen piece that students must read and grasp exactly in order to answer the questions that follow the passage. In this article, you will learn about comprehension with the help of examples and practice questions.

Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension

What is the Objective of Reading Comprehension?

Understanding a given unseen passage is known as comprehension. The activity is easy. The passage's meaning should be understood by the students first, followed by a thorough understanding of the question’s nature and genuine response. The responses must be short and direct. Understanding is the cornerstone of precise writing which ultimately leads to composition writing in composition writing. As a result, understanding is crucial to the mental growth of English-learning students.



Unseen Passage/Reading Comprehension:

Reading is beneficial since it enhances your concentration, memory, empathy, and communication skills. It can help you live longer, reduce stress, and improve your mental health. Reading also allows you to learn new things that will help you excel at your job and in your student life as well. 

The objective of Reading Comprehension

Comprehension of a section that is hidden from view entails having a complete understanding of it. The fundamental goal of comprehension is to evaluate a student's capacity to correctly understand a passage and respond to questions based on the material in their own words. For this, a range of questions, including short answer questions, sentences that must be completed, filling in the blanks with the correct words, and vocabulary exercises, are provided. It is essential to read a text several times so that you have a thorough understanding of the overall theme before attempting to respond to the questions. Once the paragraph has been understood, it will be simple to respond to the questions.

It is natural to become sidetracked by minor details and lose track of the primary theme while reading unseen passages. The results are that the responses are either too general or too vague. All responses must be precise, short, and comprehensive in every way. Consequently,

  • Read the sentence briefly to get the gist of it.

  • Next, carefully read each question.

  • This time, carefully read the passage again, underlining the parts that contain the likely answers.

  • Keep your answers short, concise, and generic. Stay on point.

  • Since this component evaluates a person's capacity for quickly comprehending lengthy materials, one must first identify the likely answers in the chapter before interpreting them in one's own words. Be smart and avoid using the passage's precise words or phrases.


Unseen Passage 1

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions.

Oscar Wilde, a giant with long hair, a bottle green fur-lined overcoat, and a spherical seal skin hat on his head, arrived in New York on January 2nd, 1882, as part of a lecture tour. He was surrounded by reporters who asked him pointless questions like how he wanted his eggs fried, much to his annoyance. How were his fingernails cut? What temperature did he prefer for his bath? His responses exhibited a complete lack of interest.

However, the customs officer greeted him with the typical question when he came ashore: "Have you anything to declare?" No, I have nothing to declare (pause) but my genius, Wilde retorted. Few statements have ever spread as swiftly and extensively across history as that one.

Questions of Passage 1:

  1. Describe two characteristics of Oscar's physical look in New York.

  2. What brought him to New York?

  3. Oscar Wilde had no desire to respond to reporters' inquiries. Why?

  4. What does Oscar Wilde's response to the questions posed by the customs officer reveal?

  5. Find a word in the passage that describes a person's extraordinary abilities.

Answers of Passage 1:

  1. He appeared to be a giant because of his height. He had long hair, too.

  2. On a lecture trip, he visited New York.

  3. Because the media were asking him pointless questions, Oscar Wilde had no interest in responding.

  4. His wit and sense of humour are apparent in the response.

  5. Genius is the word in the passage that describes a person's extraordinary abilities.

Unseen Passage 2

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions.

The arctic regions are home to Eskimos. They are typically not very tall, but they have strong shoulders and legs. They may be thousands of miles apart, but they speak the same language and can communicate with people from other groups. Mutual consent is required for marriage. They don't hold a formal wedding ceremony. Fishing and hunting are how Eskimos survive. Although the igloo, or snow house, of the Eskimos, is well recognized, in reality, they typically live in wood and turf buildings. Eskimos like carving while they are not hunting and working. They frequently craft exquisite things using ivory and wood.

Questions of Passage 2:

  1. What kind of people are the Eskimos?

  2. How is a shared language beneficial to them?

  3. How do they support themselves?

  4. What sort of things do they enjoy doing in their free time?

  5. Specify the two kinds of houses that Eskimos people inhabit.

  6. Find a word that describes an agreement in the passage.

Answers of Passage 2:

  1. Although they are short, the Eskimos have strong shoulders and legs.

  2. Members of a different group who may live thousands of kilometres apart can understand them.

  3. By hunting and fishing, they support themselves.

  4. In their spare time, they use ivory and wood to create beautiful objects.

  5. Igloos, or snow huts, are available. However, they typically reside in homes made of wood and grass.

  6. Consent.

Difficult Word Meanings

Difficult word



mentally grasp


A crucial characteristic or attribute upon which something specific depends or is founded.


the maximum quantity something can have


divert from a pressing or crucial matter


doubtful, unclear, or having no obvious character or meaning

Practice Questions

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions.

Tourism is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the global economy, and it’s expected to continue growing at a significant rate throughout the next decade. This sector has long been heralded as a potential driver of growth for economies around the world, and there are many reasons why this is true.

First and foremost, tourism provides much-needed jobs and contributes significantly to national GDPs. It’s also an important source of revenue for large and small businesses; moreover, it generates considerable sums of tax revenue worldwide. In short, tourism has many benefits that go far beyond simply providing people with income or generating new business opportunities.

Questions of passage:

  1. What is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the global economy?

  2. What does tourism provide?

  3. What does tourism generate worldwide?

  4. What does tourism provide people with?


  1. Tourism is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the global economy.

  2. Tourism provides Jobs.

  3. Considerable sums of tax revenue are generated worldwide by tourism.

  4. Tourism provides people with an income.

2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions.

The Tiger, one of the world's most iconic and recognizable animals, is in danger. The tiger population has decreased by over 30% in just the past decade, largely due to deforestation and poaching for their valuable fur skins. This decline may have serious consequences not only for tigers but also for other wildlife populations that rely on them as predators or prey.

Tigers are endemic to Asia and Southeast Asia, with an estimated 3,900 remaining in the wild today (down from 10,000 a century ago). With so few tigers left in the wild and increasing demand for their skins, pelts, bones etc., it is essential that we do all we can to safeguard this magnificent animal.

Questions of passage:

  1. What is one of the world's most iconic and recognisable animals?

  2. How much has the tiger population decreased in the past decade?

  3. How many tigers are in the wild today?

  4. What is it essential that we do all we can to protect the tiger?


  1. Tiger is one of the world's most iconic and recognisable animals.

  2. Over the last decade, the tiger population has declined by more than 30%. 

  3. 3,900 tigers are in the wild today.

  4. Safeguarding is essential that we do all we can to protect the tiger.

Importance of An Unseen Passage for Class 7

Reading comprehension skills are required for children to comprehend what they read and learn how to read. A youngster who struggles with reading comprehension will probably continue to struggle in subsequent grades. In the second grade, students start to enhance their reading comprehension skills. 

In the second grade, students should be taught how to decode words and determine if a text is persuasive. They must evaluate the book's arguments and analysis. The purpose of comprehension for Class 7 pdf worksheets is to assist pupils in improving their literacy and strategic thinking abilities. Their self-assurance and rate of learning all improve.

Example of An Unseen Passage for Class 7 with Answers

There are more than 4000 species of spiders known to date. Spiders have two body segments and eight legs. They typically consume insects. Spiders use the web they create at various locations to catch prey. The eggs of black ants make an excellent meal for house spiders. Jungle spiders are particular eaters of frogs and small birds.


1. How many different species of spiders have been identified to date?

2. What do jungle spiders eat?

3. Can a spider eat other insects?

4. What does a home spider eat?

5. Find a synonym of swallow from the given passage. 


1. More than 40,000 species of spiders have been identified.

2. Jungle spiders consume frogs and tiny birds.

3. Yes.

4. A home spider generally feeds on insects.

5. Consume is the synonym of swallow from the given passage.

What does the PDF Consist of, and How Does It Help?

Children cannot understand the meaning of what they read without comprehension. Children's comprehension of the text is improved by applying comprehension techniques, encouraging them to interact with the text and become active readers. 

Use Vedantu’s free, printable activities to practise and enhance your kids' writing, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. Each worksheet consists of a brief fiction or nonfiction story, followed by a few questions and a vocabulary-building exercise for each section.


When reading, students must recognize the text's key theme and express it in their own words. The kids can easily sort through the material provided for the unseen passage for Class 7 by Vedantu to identify what is crucial and what is not. 

In the example comprehension in our worksheets, we summarise the text's most crucial details in easier terms while using the fewest number of words possible. We have also elaborated on the tactics the students should use to get to the narrative's conclusion.

In this chapter, we learned about understanding comprehension and the various kinds of understanding, such as literal understanding, inferential understanding, and analytical understanding, as well as the distinctions between literal understanding, inferential understanding, and analytical understanding. The examples below demonstrate how to structure sentences for comprehension. Reading comprehension provides context for what is read. When words on a page convey more than just words, but also thoughts and ideas, reading comprehension happens. When reading is understood, it becomes more enjoyable, fun, and illuminating. The final section will cover practice questions and their associated solutions.

FAQs on English Grammar Comprehension For Class 7

1. What is Reading Comprehension?

The term comprehension describes the capacity to comprehend written language. Unlike the capacity to recognize words, it is different. Recognizing words without understanding what they mean does not achieve comprehension, which is the aim or objective of reading. Consider a scenario when a teacher assigns a text for a student to read. The youngster can read the entire chapter, but when asked to explain what was read, they cannot do so. What is read gains meaning when it is understood. Reading comprehension remains sustainable when words on a page are more than letters and sounds. Reading is joyful, entertaining, and educational when it is understood. 

2. What are some tips to improve reading comprehension skills?

The following simple yet useful advice will aid in the procedure of reading: 

  • Make reading enjoyable by reading aloud.

  • Ask yourself the important "WH" Questions.

3. What are the three crucial components of comprehension?

The ability to decode, read fluently, and correctly use language are essential for comprehension.