ICSE Syllabus for Class 9 English - Free PDF Download
FAQs on ICSE Class 9 English Syllabus 2024-25 Examinations
1. How do I score well in English Paper 1 of ICSE Class 9?
For solving paper 1 of ICSE Class 9 you must be good at writing and have a good understanding of grammar. Having a clear concept of all the tenses will help you write better essays, letters, and reports. Know the right use of nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. Write clear and straightforward sentences. Read more English books to enhance your vocabulary. Write good essays and letters by writing them in various sentence styles and correct grammar. Write the entire exam with fluency and accuracy.
2. How to Improve your vocabulary?
A good vocabulary indicates your good command of the language. There are various ways of developing a perfect vocabulary. Vocabulary is best built when you get familiarized with it through a certain context. This can be done with the help of reading. Read as much as you can to get an impressive vocabulary. When you come across a new word, look it up in a dictionary and try to understand its meaning. Use these newly learned words in your writing and conversions. You can also subscribe to newsletters that familiarize you with new words every day.
3. How do I score well in English Paper 2 of ICSE Class 9?
To score well in paper 2 you should thoroughly prepare from the ICSE textbook of English. You will have to memorize all the literature provided in the textbook. Read all the chapters precisely and try to remember the story. Refer to the questions provided at the end of every chapter to get an idea of the questions that may be asked in the exam paper. Always know the names of the authors and poets of all the chapters. Paper 2 is easy as you have to just prepare from the given literature and answer.
4. Is ICSE harder than CBSE and other state boards?
ICSE is tougher than CBSE and other state boards as its educational values and standards are high. ICSE follows a different school of thought than other boards. As a result, sometimes students may think it is tougher. The exam papers are relatively harder. ICSE board prepares its syllabus and exam patterns as per international standards. While CBSE follows the national set standards. ICSE being harder doesn’t mean you should refrain from studying under it. You should take it up as a challenge, this will prepare you for a fulfilling career as ICSE is recognized internationally.
5. How should I gain 20 marks from internal assessments?
The internal assessment of each school is carried out differently. Some schools give you a score from taking an internal exam. Other schools may ask you to take up projects or write assignments to assess you. The 20 marks are normally easier to score as each school gives you various chances to score your best possible. Some schools go ahead and score by observing your behavior at school, discipline, and attendance. Have clean notebooks and behave appropriately at school to avoid losing marks.