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Who wrote Humayun Nama?
A. Abul Fasal
B. Amir Khusrau
C. Gulbadan Begum
D. Barani

Last updated date: 16th Jun 2024
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Hint: She was a Mughal princess and the daughter of Mughal emperor Babur.

Complete answer:
Option A: Abu’l Fazal was a Vazir of Akbar.He was a man of wide culture and pure spiritual ideals.Abul Fazal was the author of Akbar Nama the official history of Akbar’s reign in 3 volumes.Third volume of above work is known as Ain-i-Akbari.Therefore, Option A is not correct.

Option B: He wrote Tughlaqnama in 1320-a historic masnavi of the reign of the Tughlaq dynasty.He was a Sufi mystic and a spiritual disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya.He is regarded as the ‘father of Qawwali’.He is also credited with enriching Indian classical music by introducing Persian and Arabic elements in it.Therefore, Option B is not correct.

Option C: Gulbadan Begum is best known as the author of Humayun-Nama,the account of the life of her half brother,emperor Humayun,which she wrote on the request of her nephew,emperor Akbar.She was brought up by her older half brother Humayun after the death of her father in 1530.She spent most of her life in Kabul.In 1557,she was invited by her nephew Akbar to join the imperial household of Agra.Therefore,Option C is the correct answer.

Option D: He is best known for composing Tarikh-I-Firoz Shahi,a work in medieval India.He was a Muslim political thinker of the Delhi Sultanate during Muhammed Bin Tughluqs reign.Therefore, Option D is wrong.

So, the correct answer is option C.

Note:Akbar commissioned Gulbadan Begum to chronicle the story of his father,Humayun.He was fond of her aunt and knew her story telling skills.It was fashionable for the Mughals to engage writers to document their own reigns.