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Write the names of male and female sex hormones. Draw a labelled diagram of male endocrine glands.

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Hint: The chemical messengers produced by the endocrine glands are known as the hormones. These hormones after their production are released into the bloodstream. Sex hormones play a major role in the sexual development as well as the reproduction.

Complete answer:
Female sex hormone:
Sex hormones in females are produced mainly by the adrenal glands and the ovaries. Estrogen and progesterone are the major female sex hormones.
> Estrogen: Ovaries are the major producer of hormone estrogen. However, some amount of estrogen is also produced by the adrenal glands. After the puberty, the sexual and reproductive development is regulated with the help of estrogen.
> Progesterone: Progesterone hormone is produced by the ovaries, placenta and the adrenal glands. At the time of ovulation, the level of progesterone increases while during pregnancy the level of hormone is spiked. The menstrual cycles are stabilized with the help of progesterone. However, the decrease in progesterone level is marked by pregnancy complications, conceiving problems and irregular periods.

Male sex hormone:
Testosterone is the principal sex hormone (androgen) present in males. At the puberty, the level of testosterone increases abruptly which results in the development of secondary sexual characters for example beard formation. Sperms are produced under the influence of testosterone hormone. The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland secretes the luteinizing hormone (LH) or the interstitial cell stimulating hormone (ICSH) which inturn controls the production of testosterone.

> Structure of male endocrine gland
The endocrine system comprises of the endocrine glands which are responsible for the production of hormones which are first secreted into the interstitial spaces and then their absorption takes place in the blood. Pineal gland, Pituitary gland, Thyroid gland and Parathyroid glands, Thymus gland, Adrenal glands, Pancreas and Testes are the major endocrine glands present in males.

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Note: The level of sex hormone hormones fluctuate throughout the life of a person. The factors that contribute to the level of hormone fluctuation include age, environment, medications and stress. In females, pregnancy, menstruation as well as menopause are also responsible for hormonal fluctuations.