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Why should we eat cooked food?

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 402k
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Hint: Cooking involves the exposure of food to heat, which continues to alter the physical and chemical properties of specific foods.

Complete answer:
1) To solve this question, we should first learn about the importances of food. Food is any material that animals, including humans, can eat or drink for nutrition. Food is vital to growth and development of our body. We need food to fix cells and tissues which have been injured.
2) When we work we consume our time. This is why we feel exhausted after having done a lot of work. So we need food to generate energy to do various activities. We require food to defend our body from various diseases. All consume various forms of food at different times. Many food products consist of only one or two ingredients while others consist of several ingredients.
3) We should eat cooked food, because it can kill harmful germs by cooking and allow them to be germless. Cooked food is easy for our body to digest and absorb. Cooking also helps food taste better. Most cooked foods can supply more nutrients to the body than their raw counterparts. Raw meat can spread food-borne diseases which can cause food poisoning. A raw diet is low in calories, high in fiber and can be difficult to digest for our body.

Note: Lightly boiling and steaming are perfect for retaining antioxidants in vegetables, while deep fried foods are not only an infamous cause of free radicals, but the oil and vegetables antioxidants are used up throughout frying.