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Who was Srinivasa Ramanujan?

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Hint: Let's discuss who Srinivasa Ramanujan was. So, Srinivasa Ramanuja was born on \[{22^{nd}}December{\text{ }}1887.\] He was an associate degree Republic of Indian man of science United Nations agency lived throughout land decree India. Although he had nearly no formal coaching in math, he created substantial contributions to mathematical analysis, range theory, infinite series, and continued fractions, together with solutions to mathematical issues then thought-about insoluble.

Complete Answer:
An intuitive mathematical genius, Ramanujan's discoveries have influenced many areas of arithmetic, however, he's most likely most renowned for his contributions to range theory and infinite series, among them fascinating formulas which will be accustomed to calculate digits of pi in uncommon ways that.. Ramanujan’s information of arithmetic (most of that he had found out for himself) was surprising. Though he was never aware of contemporary developments in arithmetic, his mastery of continued fractions was incomparable by any living man of science. He found out the mathematician series, the elliptic integrals, hypergeometric series, the purposeful equations of the letter of the alphabet operate, and his own theory of divergent series. On the other hand, he knew nothing of doubly periodic functions, the classical theory of quadratic forms, or Cauchy’s theorem, and he had solely the foremost nebulous plan of what constitutes a proof. Several of his theorems on the idea of prime numbers were wrong.

Note: In England Ramanujan created any advances, particularly within the partition of ranges (the number of how that a positive number may be expressed because the addition of positive integers; e.g., four may be expressed as four, \[3{\text{ }} + {\text{ }}1,{\text{ }}2{\text{ }} + {\text{ }}2,{\text{ }}2{\text{ }} + {\text{ }}1{\text{ }} + {\text{ }}1\], and one + one + one + one). His papers were revealed in English and European journals, and in \[1918\] he was elected to the honorary society of London. In \[1917\]Ramanujan had shrunk T.B., however his condition improved sufficiently for him to come back to Republic of India in \[1919.\] He died the subsequent year, typically unknown to the planet at massive however recognized by mathematicians as an exceptional genius, while not peer since Leonhard Euler (\[1707-83\]) and Carl mathematician ( \[1804-51\]). Ramanujan left behind \[3\] notebooks and a package of pages (also known as the “lost notebook”) containing several unpublished results that mathematicians continued to verify long after his death.