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Which tissue provides flexibility to plants?
A) Parenchyma
B) Collenchyma
C) Sclerenchyma
D) Aerenchyma

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint: Tissues that give strength and elasticity to plants should have a soft cell wall and also less intercellular spaces. These living cells have thickenings only to the corner of the cells making them elastic and supportive. It is a part of the complex tissue.

Step by step answer: There are two types of permanent tissues: simple and complex. The simple permanent tissues include parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma. The collenchyma cell shape can be variable like oval, elongated or polygonal. The cell wall of these cells is made up of cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectin. These cells are located below the epidermis of dicot stems, petiole and midrib of leaves. They may also contain chloroplasts and can perform photosynthesis. These tissues give elasticity that is, they give the tensile strength. The more hardness in the cell wall, less is the elasticity of plant tissues like in sclerenchyma. Sclerenchyma is a dead tissue that has thickened lignin walls. It provides structural support to plants. Fibres and sclereids are the main types of sclerenchyma cells. Most sclerenchyma cells show intrusive growth. These tissues are found in the cortex of stems and leaves.
So, the correct answer is B

Note: The collenchymas cell wall is made from pectin which gives the soft appearance. The sclerenchyma cell wall is made up of lignin which makes it a hard tissue. The intercellular spaces are also lesser than collenchyma. Whereas, parenchyma are living cells that have thin walls. These cells give rise to the ground tissues in plants.