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Which one of the following is blood pumping organ in the human body:
a) Brain
b) Muscle
c) Heart
d) Spleen

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
Total views: 380.4k
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Hint: The blood is pumped to the body as it carries various nutrients and oxygen which is needed by the tissues to work. The tissues then exchange the oxygenated blood with the deoxygenated blood. The deoxygenated blood reaches the lungs and carbon dioxide is released.

Complete answer:
The blood is pumped to the body by the heart. The heart is a very delicate organ that is present in the chest region of the body. It is composed of different muscles that control the pumping of the blood. The heart consists of the two atria and two ventricles. Both the atrium pumps the blood to the ventricles. The flow of blood is controlled by the different valves present. The atrioventricular valves consist of the tricuspid and the bicuspid valves which are present to stop the backflow of the blood into the atrium. The heart is divided into the left and right sides by the septum. In the heart, the sinoatrial nodes present is called the pacemaker as it helps in the generation of the electrical impulses which regulate the heartbeat.
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So, the correct answer is ‘heart’.

Note: Brain and muscles receive the blood from the heart. They require oxygen-rich blood for their proper functioning. The spleen helps in the filtration of the blood as it removes the dead RBC from the blood. It also removes the damaged and malformed RBC present in the blood. The spleen is considered a part of the lymphatic system. It also gives protection from the foreign particles that invade our bodies.