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Which one is a non-vascular embryophyte?
A. Pinus
B. Moss (Funaria)
C. Euglena is not an endophyte
D. Rhizopus saprophytic fungus

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
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Hint: Nonvascular embryophytes are the plants lacking vascular tissues, which help in transport of water and nutrients. Bryophytes are referred to as non-vascular plants.

Complete answer: The green algae (charophytes), and the land plants are grouped together into a subphylum called the Streptophyta. Therefore they are called Streptophytes. Embryophytes are the land plants. They are classified into two main groups on the basis of the presence or absence of vascular tissues. Bryophytes or non-vascular plants do not contain vascular tissue for water and nutrients transportation all through the plant. These nonvascular embryophytes are known to have appeared early during land plant evolution. They are all seedless. Liverworts, mosses, and hornworts are included in these plants.
In the early stages of development, young embryo sporophytes present inside the parent gametophyte tissues are nurtured by embryophytes. Vascular systems are composed of specialized cells which aids in transport of water and minerals throughout the plant body. Non vascular plants lack these vascular systems. They transport water via simple tissues. Mosses which belong to division bryophyta, are nonvascular embryophytes. They prefer living in moist areas.
On the other hand, Euglena is not an embryophyte, Pinus is a vascular embryophyte and Rhizopus is a saprophytic fungus.
So, the correct answer is option “B” that Moss (Funaria) is non-vascular embryophyte.

Note: Mosses fall under phylum of nonvascular plants. They reproduce by production of spores. They do not produce seeds and don't bear flowers, true roots or wood. Rhizoids are present in all species of moss in place of roots.
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