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Which of the following European powers defeated Napoleon Bonaparte?
A. Britain
B. Prussia
C. Russia
D. All of these

Last updated date: 28th Apr 2024
Total views: 363.9k
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Hint: 1)Napoleon Bonaparte born in Corsica in the United Kingdom of France of that time was a French statesman and military leader.
2)Napoleon is considered one of the greatest military strategists in the world.
3)Napoleon was the emperor of France from 1804 to 1814.

Complete answer:
Napoleon Bonaparte rose in the ranks of French army in late 1790's. At that time France was at war with most of Europe and he saved his nation from collapse. After which he led many successful campaigns during the French revolution and the French revolutionary wars. After 1812, Napoleon faced many setbacks. He finally suffered defeat at the hands of the Duke of Wellington, who led the allied army. He was defeated at Waterloo in Belgium in June,1815.

A.Britain is the correct option because Napoleon was defeated by the allied army led by Duke of Wellington, who was a british general.
B.Russia is the wrong option as it was not directly involved in the Battle of Waterloo, which was the defeating Battle for Napoleon.
C.Prussia is the wrong option because they were fighting with Napoleon at the eastern flank of France which built up pressure on him and also led to his defeat at Waterloo, but Prussia was not directly involved in the Battle of Waterloo, the actual war of defeat.
D.All of these is a wrong option because Britain is the only european power who defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo.

Hence, the correct answer is option (A)

Note: Napoleon Bonaparte was involved in wars with many powers of that time, with Russia by invading it which proved to be a disaster for him, with Prussia on eastern flank of France and with allied powers which resulted in the Battle of Waterloo.