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Which life process converts chemical energy into heat?

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Hint: Chemical energy is a type of potential energy that stores energy in chemical bonds. Chemical energy is invested when such bonds form, and chemical energy is liberated when they break. Chemical energy, like all energy, isn't generated or destroyed; instead, it's transformed from one form to another.

Complete answer:
The biological mechanism of respiration transforms chemical energy into thermal energy. Food energy is released in the form of ATP and heat during respiration. Glucose and oxygen are transformed to carbon dioxide and water during cellular respiration, and the energy is transferred to ATP.
Respiration is an exothermic process that releases energy from food in the form of ATP and heat. Respiration should not be confused with breathing, which is a type of ventilation. Respiration is a process that takes place within cells.
Respiration is a sequence of enzyme-controlled reactions that are required to transform the chemical energy contained in food into a form that may be used and in quantities that are controllable.
The efficiency of respiration is only about 40%. Heat is emitted while animals breathe. The blood in birds and mammals distributes this heat throughout the body. It keeps these creatures warm and helps them maintain a consistent internal temperature.

The primary molecule for storing and transmitting energy in cells is adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. It's commonly referred to as the cell's energy currency, and it's similar to depositing money in a bank. When the cell requires energy, ATP can be utilised to store energy for future reactions or extracted to pay for processes. The energy released by the breakdown of food is stored by animals in the form of ATP.