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Which cell organelle is called the “headquarter of the cell”?

Last updated date: 19th May 2024
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Hint: It is an organelle present in a eukaryotic cell and is the most important and defining feature of eukaryotes. Just like the fluid in the cell is known as cytoplasm, there is a fluid present in this organelle. This fluid is enveloped by an envelope and it contains chromatin and the nucleolus.

Complete answer:
The nucleus is known as the “headquarter of the cell” which provides instructions to the cell. It controls various functions such as reproduction, growth, and metabolism. It contains genetic material and nucleoplasm.

Nucleoplasm or karyoplasm is a type of protoplasm that is a thick fluid and contains chromatin (genetic material). It is present in the nucleus of the eukaryotic cell. It primarily contains water, ions, and a mixture of molecules. It acts as a suspension medium for the nuclear organelles. Various substances such as enzymes and nucleotides that help in nuclear activities. It helps in maintaining nuclear shape and structure, transportation of ions and molecules, and other substances that are involved in metabolism. It is the site of gene expression, DNA replication, and DNA repair. Most of the cell contains a single nucleus but there are some exceptions. It is a specialized organelle that coordinates a cell’s activities.

Note: Nucleus contains genetic material and its components. It is a membrane-bound organelle. It contains a semi-solid fluid inside the nucleus. It contains nucleotides and enzymes that influence the synthesis of genetic material. The nucleus contains nucleoplasm, chromatin, and nucleolus.