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Which among the following is the longest phase of meiosis?
(a) Prophase I
(b) Anaphase I
(c) Prophase II
(d) Metaphase II

Last updated date: 20th Apr 2024
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Hint: Meiosis is a process in which a single cell divides twice to produce four cells that contain half of the original amount of genetic information. The longest phase is the one in which recombination occurs.

Complete answer:
Prophase I is the longest phase of meiosis, usually taking up 90 percent of the time for the two divisions. The five prophase stages include separate processes such as condensation (Leptotene) , pairing (Zygotene), recombination (Pachytene), coiling (Diplotene), and recondensation (Diakinesis).
One can divide meiosis into nine stages. These are split between the first division of the cell (meiosis I) and the second division of the cell (meiosis II). The nine stages of meiosis are Interphase, Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I, Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, and Telophase II. It is classified into 5 substages based on Leptotene, Zygotene, Pachytene, Diplotene, and Diakinesis.
Additional information:
The copied chromosomes condense in prophase I into X- shaped structures which can easily be seen under a microscope. Each chromosome consists of two sister chromatids that contain identical genetic material. The chromosome pairs may then swap bits of DNA in a process called recombination or crossing over. At the end of Prophase I, the membrane within the cell around the nucleus dissolves, releasing the chromosomes.
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So the correct answer is ‘prophase I.’

 - Homologous chromosomes pair up during prophase I and share genetic information (homologous recombination) . Sometimes this contributes to chromosomal crossover.
- The meiotic spindle, composed of microtubules and other proteins, spreads between the centrioles across the cell.