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What is the past tense of know?

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Hint: The linguistic phrase tense refers to the passage of time. Tenses are often represented by the use of certain forms of verbs, notably in their conjugation patterns. In many languages, the past, present, and future are the three major tenses.

Complete answer:
The simple past is a verb tense that is used to express events that happened or happened in the past. Consider someone inquiring about your brother Wolfgang's weekend activities while he was in town.

The past tense is a grammatical tense that relates to a previous action or event. Past tense verbs include sung, went, and washed in English.

Regular verbs' past tenses are produced by adding -t, -d, or -ed to the base form of the verb, but irregular verbs' past tenses are formed in a variety of ways (e.g., see=saw, go=went, be=was/were). The past tense form of regular and irregular verbs can also be used as a past participle.

Knew is the past tense of know.
Knows is the third-person singular simple present indicative form.
Knowing is the present participle of know.
Know's past participle is known.

The past tense of know is, therefore ‘knew’.

Note: The present tense is a grammatical tense that serves to place a situation or occurrence in the present. The present tense is used to describe actions that are now taking place. There are four parts to the present tense:
- Simple present
- Present perfect
- Present continuous
- Present perfect continuous