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What is the micropylar end?

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint: Micropyle is an abbreviation for micropyle It is typically found at the top of the seed or ovule. After maturation, the ovary becomes the fruit and the ovule becomes the seed. As a result, the location where the pollen tube enters the ovule is converted into the micro Pyle.

Complete answer:
In Botany, A micropyle is a small opening in the integument of a seed plant's ovule.
In zoology, A micropyle is a differentiated area of the surface in an egg through which sperm enters.
MICROPYLE is a narrow pore or passage formed by integument projections through which the pollen tube enters the ovule.
1. The micropyle opening allows the pollen tube to enter the ovule and fertilize it.
2. It absorbs water to germinate.

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A micropyle is a pore in the membrane that surrounds the ovum that allows sperm to enter. Micropyles can also be found in the sporozoites of some digenetic microorganisms, such as Plasmodium, at the anterior part of the cell, which eventually leads to the apical cap. Bombyx Mandarina and Ceratitis capitata are two other organisms that have micropyles.

The micropyle aids in the absorption of water during seed germination. At the time of seed germination, the root emerges through this micropyle. The micropyle opening allows pollen to enter the ovule and fertilize it.

Thus, Micropyle is also referred to as the micropylar end. It is the outer coat of a cell with a small opening just adjacent to the hilum.

Note: An integument is a layer of cells that protects the ovule. Gymnosperms have one integument (unitegmic), whereas angiosperms have two integuments (bitegmic). When the ovule matures after fertilization, the integuments develop into the seed coat. the micropylar end lacks an integument.