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Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint: According to given in the question first we have to understand about the mode which is explained below. We will understand what mode means.

Complete step-by-step solution:
The mode of a given data set is the number or term that occurs most frequently in that set and to find the mode we have to put the given numbers or terms in ascending order or in the order from least to the greatest number or term after that we have to count that which number is occurred the most hence, that the number that occurs the most is the mode.
So, now we will understand it with the help of an example as given below:
Class intervalFrequency

Hence, we will find the mode for the given data table.
Step 1: First of all we have to consider the given data table as below:
Class intervalFrequency
$0 - 20$$10$
$20 - 40$$35$
$40 - 60$$52$
$60 - 80$$61$
$80 - 100$$38$
$100 - 120$$20$

Step 2: Now, we have the maximum frequency and as from the given table the maximum frequency is 61 and the class interval for the frequency is $60 - 80$ which is the mode of the given observation.

Hence, we have obtained the mode for the given data distribution which is $60 - 80$

Note: To find the mode, modal value is the best way to arrange the given number into ascending order means from the smallest number to the largest number then we have to check which number is occurring most of the time hence, that number or interval is the mode for the given data.
The mode is a value that appears most frequently in a data set and a set of data may have one mode, more than one mode or no mode.