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What is Chromonemata?

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Hint: Chromonemata is also known as chromonema. It is present in the chromosomes. They are present in the matrix of the chromosome.

Complete answer:
The chromosomes are the highly coiled structure present in the nucleus of the Eukaryotic cell. They contain the DNA which is the carrier of heredity. Each chromosome contains chromatids which are held together at the centromere. The chromosomes carry genes which are transferred over generations. The chromatids are highly coiled structures in which the DAN along with the histones is present. The histones help in the folding of the DNA.

The thread like coiled structures in the chromatids is known as chromonema. The chromonema is the carrier of the genes. They also help in maintaining the proper structure of chromomere. The chromonema appears to be like a mass of coiled threads at the beginning of the cell division. The chromonema bears several knot or beaded structure which is called chromomere. These granules are present at regular intervals. The chromonema along with chromomere appears to be like beads on string.

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Additional Information:A gene is the short segment of DNA. It is the structural and functional unit of heredity. Genes do not make proteins. They only code instructions for the protein synthesis. The size of gene varies from few hundred bases in some organisms to several million bases in an individual.

Note: The chromosome is made up of chromatin fibers. The chromatin or the structure of chromosome is best visible in the late prophase, metaphase and anaphase. The chromonema is clearly visible in the early prophase.