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Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: Anencephaly is a condition related to a broad area of the human head, where the skull part is absent from the cerebral hemispheres of the brain. It is a congenital condition of a baby being born with deformative brain and an underdeveloped skull. It is very rare and requires medical diagnosis and thousands of cases are reported in India per year.

Complete answer:
Anencephaly is the deformative development of the neural tube in a baby skull. An offspring born with anencephaly condition is either born still or can survive for a few hours or few days of being born. Most cases have been reported leading to miscarriage of pregnancy or still births. It is a fatal condition. Babies who survive the birth respond but they are involuntary.
It is a serious birth defect where brain parts such as the brain and skull itself are absent. Mostly happens due to neural tube defect, as the neural tube opens and closes it helps in developing the brain and skull, spinal cord back bones etc. This happens when the upper part of the neural tube does not close all the way and remains open slightly. This results in the condition of anencephaly.
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The causes of anencephaly are genetic alterations or gene defects, because of genes or chromosomes changing in the body they face this fatal condition. It also can be caused by other factors such as the mother being exposed to a certain environment or any food or drinks or medications during pregnancy. This condition can be prevented by taking folic acid during pregnancy. mgs of folic acid can be taken.