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Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
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Hint: Atom is the smallest unit of ordinary element that forms a chemical element. Everything which we see around us is made up of atoms. Every atom is composed of a nucleus and electrons which are bound by the nucleus.

Complete step by step solution:
We know atoms are the smallest unit of matter which we see around us and molecules are the combination of these atoms. Molecule is defined as the combination of one or more atoms that are combined with the help of chemical bonds. These bonds can be covalent, ionic, metallic or co-ordinate bonds. For example water, it is a molecule which is formed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. There is a covalent bond between hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water molecules. Covalent bond is a bond in which there is sharing of electrons. A bond is formed between two atoms and both atoms will contribute one electron in covalent bond.
If both electrons are shared by only one atom or we can say one atom does not contribute any electron and other contribute both electrons then such bond is called co-ordinate bond.
A metallic bond is a type of chemical bond which is formed between two positively charged atoms in which the free electrons are shared among a lattice of cations. This type of bond is generally formed between two metal atoms.
Ionic bond is formed when there is complete transfer of electrons between two atoms. Atom which transfers electrons gains positive charge and the atom to which electrons are transferred gains negative charge.

Note: You can remember the froth floatation process by its name. This name clearly suggests that something is floating on the surface of liquid.Since Froth means a mass of small bubbles in liquid caused by agitation.
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