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Tuberous roots of sweet potato play an important role in
(a)Mechanical support
(b)Food storage
(c)Reproduction and food storage

Last updated date: 07th May 2024
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Hint: In sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas), large, sweet-tasting, and starchy roots are found. It is a dicotyledon plant and belongs to the family Convolvulaceae. Root tubers are present which have a similar role as that of stem tubers in potato.

Complete answer:
 A tuberous root is a storage root which is a modification of taproot. The storage takes place at the enlarged area present at the middle or end of the root or may even involve the whole root. Thus, it has a different origin but functions and appears the same as that of a stem tuber. Root tubers are also seen in Dahlia and Cassava.

Additional Information: -Tuberous roots are biennial in duration which means that during the first year the plant produces the root tubers and by the end of the growing season the shoot of the plant dies leaving behind the tubers.
-In the next growing season as the new shoot of the plant grows the stored reserve food material is consumed in the production of new parts like roots, stem, and reproductive organs.
-They are responsible for completing the needs and the requirements of the plants in terms of nutrition and energy.
-It helps the plant in its process of growth and development.
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So, the correct answer is,’Reproduction and food storage’.

Note: These are the penetrating organs, and store nutrients over a period when plants cannot actively grow thus ensuring the survival for the next cycle. The massive enlargement of the secondary roots in sweet potato has the same internal and external structure of a normal root. There are no nodes and internodes present