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Transverse wave can propagate
A. Only in solid
B. Both in solid and gases
C. neither in solid nor in gases
D. only in gases

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: Propagation of a wave depends upon the properties of the medium.Transverse wave is a type of mechanical wave. Solid has a definite shape and its molecules are compactly bound to each other by some kind of force while gas is a state where its molecules can expand freely and have no fixed shape and volume.

Complete answer:
Mechanical Wave: When the transformation of energy takes place through any medium due to oscillation about a fixed point the resultant wave is known as mechanical wave.There are two types of mechanical waves:
-Transverse Waves
-Longitudinal Waves

Transverse wave:It is a type of mechanical wave where the displacement of the particle is perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave.The particles do not move along with the wave, they move up and down about their equilibrium positions.Transverse waves need a medium which is rigid enough and is neither liquid nor gas to propagate through it easily. Hence we can conclude that transverse waves can travel through solid or we can say metal.

Therefore the correct option is A.

Note: Remember not only transverse waves, longitudinal waves can also travel or propagate through solid. In short we can say that mechanical waves can propagate through solid. Another important note for transverse waves is that propagation of this wave is in the order of solid>liquid>gas medium.