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Theory of Natural Selection was proposed by
a. Charles Darwin
b. Hugo de Vries
c. Gregor Johann Mendel
d. Jean Baptiste Lamarck

Last updated date: 16th Jun 2024
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Hint: The process through which living organisms’ population adapt and change is called Natural selection. The individual’s population becomes naturally variable but each individual in a population will be different from each other in some way. For example – snakes and birds sometimes eat tree frogs.

Complete answer:
Charles Darwin proposed the theory for evolution is natural selection. It was introduced in 1859. The main key points of Darwin’s theory are:
- The individual species are not identical.
- Traits passed from one generation to the next generation.
- More offspring are born apart from survival.
- Among the competition, only survivors for resources will reproduce further.

The mutation theory was introduced by Hugo de Vries. It was established in 1901. He believed that through sudden, large changes of character traits the species evolve from other species. He mainly stated that new species evolve from old species by the process of mutation. De Vries's theory was one of the leading examples for explaining the working of evolution.

Gregor Johann Mendel discovered the fundamental laws of inheritance while working with the pea plants. The results of his theory were published in 1865. He stated that pairs of genes are present and they are inherited in the form of distinct units, one from each parent. The three laws of Mendel are:
- Law of dominance
- Law of segregation
- Law of independent assortment

The two laws were introduced by Jean-Baptise Lamarck named Use and disuse and Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics. He invented his theory of evolution which was rejected.

Hence, the correct answer is option (A).

Note: So far we have discussed different scientists proposed different theories but all the theories are interrelated with each other. The genes are passed from one generation to another generation. The organisms which can survive in the different environmental conditions can be called naturally selected.