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The wavelength of yellow light is equal to the following means of the wavelength of violet and red lights:
A) Square of mean
B) Arithmetic mean
C) Geometric mean
D) Harmonic mean.

Last updated date: 07th May 2024
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Hint: We know that electromagnetic waves consist of sinusoidal varying electric and magnetic fields at right angles to each other as well as at right angles to the direction of propagation.

Complete step by step answer:
Wavelength is defined as the property of a wave in which the distance between the two successive crests or troughs of the light wave.
It is denoted by the Greek letter lambda ($\lambda $).
The visible spectrum is nothing but the region can be seen or an electromagnetic wave which is visible to human eyes. In the electromagnetic spectrum, the visible spectrum ranges from the infrared region to the UV region. We can detect the range of the light spectrum from about 400 nanometers (violet) to about 700 nanometers (red) and after this range, the human eye is unable to see the rest of the electromagnetic waves.
The wavelength for various colors of the visible spectrum of light is provided in the table.
Violet380-450 nm668-789 THz
Blue450-495 nm606-668 THz
Green495-570 nm526-606 THz
Yellow570-590 nm508-526 THz
Orange590-620 nm484-508 THz
Red620-750 nm400-484 THz

From the given table it is clear that yellow lies in between the red and violet. Thus, the violet and red wavelength are arithmetically equal to the yellow wavelength.

Therefore, the Correct option is (B).

The violet color is said to have the shortest form of wavelength whereas red color is said to have the longest wavelength. The process of transmission of heat from one place to another without the necessity of a material medium is called radiation.