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The volume of a cubical box is 32.768 cubic metres. The length of one side of the cube is:
[a] 3.2m
[b] 4.2m
[c] 3.0m
[d] 2.8m

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 421.5k
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Hint: Use the property that if “a” is the length of a side of a cube, then the volume of the cube is ${{a}^{3}}$. Equate this with the volume of the cube. Solve the cubic by taking a cube-root on both sides. Find the cube root of the terms on the RHS of the equation.

Complete step-by-step answer:
Let the side of the cube be x metres.
So, we have the volume of the cube $={{x}^{3}}$cubic m.
Given that volume of cube = 32.768 cubic m.
Hence we have
Taking cube-root on both sides, we get
Finding the cube root of 32.768:
Convert 32.678 in $\dfrac{p}{q}$ form, where p and q are integers and q is non-zero. Note that this can be done since 32.678 is a rational number.
Reduce the fraction in lowest terms.
For reducing the fraction in lowest terms, we need to find the HCF of 32678 and 1000
We have
 & 32678=1000\times 32+768 \\
 & 1000=768+232 \\
 & 768=232\times 3+72 \\
 & 232=72\times 3+16 \\
 & 72=16\times 4+8 \\
 & 16=8\times 2+0 \\
Hence gcd(32678,1000) = 8.
Dividing numerator and denominator by 8, we get
Writing prime factorisation of 4096
Writing prime factorisation of 125
Hence we have
Hence the side of the cube is 3.2 m
Hence option [a] is correct.

Note: Verification.
The volume of the cube with side 3.2 m $=3.2\times 3.2\times 3.2=32.678$cubic m.
Hence our answer is correct.
[2] In the question we have used $\sqrt[n]{\dfrac{p}{q}}=\dfrac{\sqrt[n]{p}}{\sqrt[n]{q}}$