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The term histology was coined by
A. Malpighi
B. Bichat
C. Mayer
D. Hertwig

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint: Histology is the study of tissues. Tissues are a group of similar cells that are closely associated with each other. The cells of a tissue function together to perform specific tasks.

Complete step by step answer: Cells are the structural and functional unit of life forms. The biological organization of organisms, after the chemical level, includes cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms.
Xavier Bichet was a French surgeon and anatomist. Bichat introduced the term "tissue" to describe a group of cells and laid down the foundation of histology. Bichet is also known as the father of descriptive anatomy. He classified different types of tissues based on the external appearance and the reaction of the tissues with different chemicals.
Marcello Malpighi was an Italian physician, and histologist, He designed the first microscope with which he studied several life forms. He also developed several methods to study the living tissues of plants and animals and laid down the foundation of anatomy that relies on the use of a microscope. The renal corpuscle was named the Malpighian body to honor him.
Karl Mayer was a German anatomist and physiologist who coined the term histology and used it first in 1819 in his book entitled "On histology and a new classification of tissues of the human body”.
Hertwig, a biologist, discovered the epithelial root sheath present around the root of the amphibian teeth which were named as "Hertwig's epithelial root sheath".
So, the correct answer is option C. Mayer.

Note: Bichet classified the human tissues into 21 types. He put forward the concept of organs being composed of different tissues. The Malpighian tubule system present in the insects was also named to honor Marcello Malpighi.