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The Sultan of the Sultanate of Delhi, who transferred his capital from Delhi to Agra, was__________
(A) Khizr Khan
(B) Bahlol Lodi
(C) Sikandar Lodi
 (D) Ibrahim Lodi

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: The sultan of the Sultanate of Delhi who transferred his capital from Delhi to Agra belonged to the Lodi dynasty. The capital was shifted in the year 1506. He was the successor of Bahlul Lodi of the Lodi dynasty.

Complete answer:
It was sultan Sikandar Lodi who transferred the capital from Delhi to Agra in the year 1506. The city of Agra was founded by him. He had financed the construction of the beautiful city of Agra in 1503. Born on 17th July 1458, he was the second son of Sultan Bahlul Lodi. He was a capable ruler who expanded his kingdom to the regions of Bihar and Gwalior. He was the second ruler of the Lodi dynasty who came to the throne in the year 1489 when his father Sultan Bahlul Lodi died. The king of Gwalior Narasimha was supporting rebels from Delhi who planned to kill Sikandar. Sikandar wanted to punish Manasimha for his deeds and thus to give punishment and expand his kingdom Sikandar launched an attack on Dholpur, an important place of Gwalior, in 1501. An epidemic broke out in the region due to which he could not go further with his army. Manasimha had sent his son to reconcile with the Sultan of Delhi to which he agreed. Again several wars broke out between Manasimha and Sikandar and ultimately Manasimha died in the year 1516 and Sinkandar also died in the year1517 due to his illness.

Additional information: The origin of the Lodi dynasty was from Afghanistan. The founder of this dynasty was Bahlul Lodi who was succeeded by Sikandar Lodi. They followed Sunni Islam. Sikandar Lodi was succeeded by Ibrahim Lodi who was the last powerful ruler of the Lodi dynasty. After the death of Ibrahim Lodi the Lodi dynasty came to an end and then came the Sayyid dynasty.

So the correct option is (C) Sikandar Lodi. The Sultan of the Sultanate of Delhi, who transferred his capital from Delhi to Agra, was Sikandar Lodi.

Note: Sikandar also followed Islam just like his predecessors. He destroyed several Hindu temples and also execution of Brahmins was performed during his reign. He also established Sharia Courts in several towns to make local people familiar with the religion.