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The scientific name of Indian ass is -
a. Equus caballus.
b. Equus hemionus.
c. Hystrix leucura.
d. Equus equus.

Last updated date: 19th Apr 2024
Total views: 400.5k
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Hint: In binomial nomenclature, organisms are given names that have two parts: the genus name and the specific epithet. The genus name is common to more than one species and all members of a genus do not interbreed. However, the organisms with the same specific epithet belong to the same species and they interbreed among themselves. The Indian ass belongs to the horse family. Its genus is Equus.

Complete answer:
Living organisms are classified or categorized into specific distinct groups by following certain rules and are known as classification or taxonomy. The taxonomy allows segregation of different organisms either in groups on the basis of common characters or contrasting characters. There are seven divisions of the classification systems are kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species.

Species are the lowest level of classification and consist of organisms which are capable of interbreeding to produce viable fertile offspring. Species are identified by two names and this naming is referred to as binomial nomenclature. The first name refers to the genus and the second is the species to which an organism belongs.

The Indian wild ass is also called the Ghudkhur, Khur or Indian onager and the complete scientific name of Indian wild ass is Equus hemionus khur. It is a subspecies of the onager that is native to Southern Asia.

Hence, the option b) Equus hemionus is correct.

Additional information:
- The Indian variety of Indian ass is called Equus hemionus khur, which is the subspecies of Asian wild ass, Equus hemionus. They are currently listed as “Near Threatened” by IUCN.
- They have a sandy coat color which may vary from a reddish grey fawn to pale chestnut. They are generally herbivorous animals. The habitat of Equus hemionus is extended from Western India, Southern Pakistan , Afghanistan, and South-Eastern Iran. In the Indian subcontinent they are found in the state of Gujarat.

Note: The Equus hemionus is the scientific name of Asian wild ass. The subspecies of Asian wild ass is the Indian wild ass, which is named Equus hemionus khur. They are mainly found in Gujarat, India.