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The sac fungi belongs to
a) Ascomycetes
b) Basidiomycetes
c) Phycomycetes
d) Deuteromycetes

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: The class of Sac fungi make up a sizable portion of the fungi population. They are named after their remarkable design. This structure is critical for their survival because it contains non-motile conceptive structures.

Complete answer:
Ascomycota individuals are referred to as sac fungi
Basidiomycetes are commonly referred to as club fungi.
Phycomycetes are commonly referred to as Algae-like fungi.
Deuteromycetes are commonly referred to as imperfect fungi.

Hence, option A- Ascomycetes is the correct answer.

Sac fungi are Ascomycetes, which belong to the phylum Ascomycota in the realm Fungi and form the subkingdom Dikarya alongside Basidiomycota. The sac, also known as the ascus, is the distinguishing feature of these growths and contains non-motile conceptive microspores. They are sources of medicinally significant mixtures, for example, antimicrobials, and are used in the maturation of bread and bottling works. Penicillium is used in anti-infection agents, while Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used in maturation procedures. Some of them are microbes for animals, plants, and humans. Ascomycetes are also known as spore shooters because they produce a large number of spores inside sac-like structures known as ascii. Abiogenetic multiplication is a common feature of their life cycle, allowing them to increase in number and spread their population. Conidia, which are vegetative non-motile haploid spores, are used in agamic propagation. Conidia are framed by mitosis, which is why they are also known as mitospores, and have a single core in most cases. They begin on mycelium and are genetically indistinguishable from it.

Ascocarps are ascomycete fruiting bodies that form on the hyphae. They are as follows: apothecia, which are saucer or cup-shaped and have exposed asci, Cleistothecium, which are circular and must burst to deliver ascospores, and perithecia, which are globular or carafe-shaped and have an apical opening through which ascospores are released.