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The Prime Minister of sardinia, who was responsible for the Unification of Italy was
A. Garibaldi
B. Count Cavour
C. Otto von Bismarck
D. Mazzini

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
Total views: 385.2k
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Hint: Italian unification was the 19th century social and political movement which resulted in the consolidation of different states into a single nation called, the kingdom of Italy.

Complete answer: During the middle of the 19th Century Italy was divided into seven states from which only Sardinia piedmont was ruled by Italian princely house. The northern, central and southern part was under Austrian Habsburgs, the pope and the Bourbon king of Spain respectively.
Giusessipi Mazzini thought of putting these states into one to make the unitary Italian Republic. He formed a secret society called young Italy to achieve his goals.
Chief Minister Count Cavour was responsible for the unification of Italy. After coming into the alliance with France the Sardinia piedmont succeeded in defeating the Austrian forces in 1859 and in 1860 the army under the leadership of Giuseppe Garibaldi marched into South Italy and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Here the local peasants drove out the Spanish ruler.
Finally, in 1861 Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed as a king of United Italy.
Looking at the options given:
Option A. Garibaldi helped to lead the army for the unification of Italy. It is an incorrect option.
Option B. Count Cavour is the correct answer.
Option C. Otto von Bismarck led the movement for the unification of Germany. It is an incorrect option.
Option D. Mazzini formed secret societies but did not lead the movement. It is an incorrect option.
Therefore, Option B is correct.

Note: From the given options all of them which includes Garibaldi, Cavour and Mazzini were part of the Italian unification.